Wife. Mom. Boss
Just an every day girl, sipping on tea, powered by faith, doing incredible things, and showing you how to do it too.
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The Fear of Being Me
God has done some pretty incredible things since my last birthday. I traveled to Nigeria and was quarantined from my job for 21 days because of the Ebola scare, had another successful Woman of Purpose Conference, got a financial advisor to help me better manage my money and set myself on a path to financial freedom…
Journey to Freedom
I can honestly say that I'm finally at a place in my life where I'm excited to be living and walking in my purpose. It took time to get to this place, but I'm here and loving every bit of it.
Meet The Woman Behind the Blog
In 2016 started a blog to capture my story, and along the way, built a platform that is now helping thousands of moms, bosses, and wives find their way in this crazy things called life.