12 Habits You Need in 2016 (PART 3)


I hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas yesterday. It was AWESOME for me! Although I feel like I've gained 10 pounds, yesterday's experience was definitely worth it. If you haven't read PART 2 of 12 Habits You Need in 2016, I emphasized on the importance of spending QUALITY time with family. This was the first time my divided family came together as ONE. It was such a beautiful experience. 


Now so far I've provided you with six habits. I skipped yesterday because it was Christmas. Today, I will provide you with two more. Here's what we've gone over so far: 

My family on Christmas Day! My mom took the picture and hosted the gathering at her and my step dads home! :)

  1. Discover the Gifts in You

  2. Overcome Your Fears

  3. Use What You Already Have

  4. Love and Spend Time with Family

  5. Reconnect with Lifetime Friends from the Past

  6. Develop and Define Solid Relationships

Now let's continue.....

7. Do Something You've Never Done Before - This year was definitely filled with things I've never done before. I traveled, ate things I'd never even knew existed, went on my first missions trip, designed four websites for other organizations and got paid to do it, and so much more. If there's a place you've always wanted to visit then go and don't wait for anyone. If you want to join a small group of Chinese speaking individuals to learn how to speak the language then do so. If you want to learn how to cook African dishes then don't let anything hold you back. Many years ago I wrote down a list of things I wanted to do, places I desired to visit and people I hope to one day meet. Each year I've been blessed to live out one or two of those things on the list and sometimes even three. In 2016, be sure to create a good bucket list and complete at least one thing on the list. If you can do more than one do so.  Taking adventures from my bucket list makes conversations so much better. 

8. Invest in You and In Others - Don't ever stop investing in yourself and if you can't take care of yourself please don't waste your time trying to take care of others. What do I mean by taking care of yourself? Ask yourself these questions....

      - How am I doing spiritually? 

      - Am I doing okay financially? 

      - What am I doing for myself right now that's improving my life overall? 

Zig Ziglar's Wheel of Life

I remember the first time I met with my financial advisor. He's a Christian so I love the fact that everything he teaches me is based on biblical principles. We went over my finances and I was in for a rude awakening when he asked me if I consulted with God before giving to my non-profit and to others. He basically informed me that I was not being a good steward of my finances. Oouch.... That was really tough for me to hear, but I needed to hear it. My giving was placing me in the red. I had to really start asking God WHEN to give and WHO to give to. For awhile, I was even running on an empty tank spiritually and trying to pour into others. If this is you, let me tell you now to STOP and INVEST time in YOU. You need to do so if you plan on making a difference in the lives of others. I use Zig Ziglar's Wheel of Life to check how I'm doing and where I may need to commit more time.

When you invest in yourself, you won't ever feel as if you've robbed yourself of the time you deserved. Plus I have so much more to give to others whether it be my time, knowledge, money or resources when I commit more time to learning more, praying more and overall understanding who I am. Here are a few ways you can invest in you: 

  1. Read books about managing your money.

  2. Make it a goal to work out 3-5 times a week.

  3. Unplug from technology and take a break from the social world to give yourself the time you deserve to reflect.

  4. Spend 30 minutes to an hour each morning with God (he gives the best advice and shows you what to do for the day...).

  5. Take a few free online courses and even paid courses to continue growing and evolving.

Now a few ways you can invest in others...

  1. Find 1-3 people you can pour into or mentor (it should be natural and not forced).

  2. If you know someone in need, pray about giving to them and ONLY give as the Lord leads. God did not call you to give to everyone so don't put yourself in the negative to do it UNLESS God specifically instructs you to do so.

  3. If you have a business, find one or a few organizations that you can give back to by providing free or discounted services.

  4. Host people in your home for game nights, slumber parties, or dinners and welcome them into your world.

  5. Money is not always the need so PRAY, LISTEN and OBEY when it comes to the people God places in your life to serve.

Wheew! I know that was a lot for today which is why I stuck with two, but I seriously pray this is really helping all of you as it has helped me. If you are enjoying I'd love to hear from you! Drop your comments below...... 

Love always, 

Jess Chinyelu 


12 Habits You Need in 2016 (PART 4)


12 Habits You Need in 2016 (PART 2)